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Explosives Consulting LLC
Call John Childs +1.802.503.4885 jchilds@ExplosivesConsulting.com
  -Explosives Technology Consulting-
If safety is your first priority.
If your important project requires expert advice.
If you need a fast response to solve a challenging problem.
If your information must be kept strictly confidential.
Then call now and put my 35+ years of experience with leading commercial and defense energetics companies to work for you.
I can provide cost effective and expert consulting services for:
Acquisition candidate evaluation and valuation analysis
Market analysis and development
Capture planning and proposals
Process and equipment engineering
Plant layout and design
Hazard analysis
Accident/incident investigations
System safety analysis
Regulatory compliance
Energetics system design:
Detonator and pyrotechnic delay fuze manufacturing
Detonating cord manufacturing - wet and dry processes
Cast boosters and other TNT-based melt pour operations
Emulsion and ammonium nitrate based explosives.
Shock tube extrusion
Nitration reactions - continuous and batch processes including PETN, RDX/HMX, Nitroglycerine, Liquid Nitrate Esters, NTO, TNC and Glycidyl Azide Polymer processing
Explosive recrystallization - continuous and batch processes including superfine and ultrafine grades
Single, double and triple base propellant manufacturing by solvent and solventless processes.
Mix cast propellants and explosives
Plastic bonded explosives manufacturing
Composite propellant formulation and characterization
Interior ballistic analysis
Rocket motor hardware design
Structural analysis
Nozzle design
Insulation design and heat transfer analysis
Test stand design and data collection
Test plans and testing support
Linear shaped charges, confined detonating fuse
Jet milled explosives
Explosive actuation and separation
Lead azide, DDNP, and DXN-1 manufacturing
Explosive lacquers and pastes
Boosters and fuzes
Explosive pressing and machining
Conical and linear shaped charges, EFPs and blast/frag warheads
Explosives demil, equipment decontamination, equipment disassembly, building incineration
Explosives coating and phlegmatizing
Explosive reactive armor
Oil well completion explosives
Rocket Load Assemble Pack
Explosive process equipment design
Design of structures to resist blast effects
Explosive plant design and construction management
Solvent recovery
Spent acid recovery
Treatment and permitting of explosives waste waters
Air permitting
Site remediation
Solid and Hazardous waste management
US Department of Transportation hazard classification and packaging design
EMI and ESD hazard assessment
Explosive signature analysis and forensic work
Process safety hazard analysis and Kaizen events
Regulatory compliance, including RCRA, state air and water regulations, US State Department ITAR regulations, US DOD Security Classification regulations, US DOT, DCMA compliance and others
Put my experience working in North America, South America, Asia, Africa, the Middle East and Europe to work for you! Contact me by phone or email today.

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